Sunday, October 26, 2008

The start of the Christmas season

Today's shoot started the Christmas season for me. Britt brought her brother and sister for a family shoot, so they would have portraits for the holidays, for their parents. I thought that was a neat idea, that she was thinking ahead like that, and to consider something long lasting, and so meaningful.

Anyway, we had a really good time, shot a lot of frames, because they were all so good looking and hamming it up. And the little outfits for her dog, was incredible too! Her aunt made them up so she would be festive for her pictures, and the holidays.....too CUTE!


  1. I like the photos, nice work. May be a bit bigger? If you need a hand let me know.

  2. I love little Miss Sass with her hand on her hip. Too cute!

  3. awww man I really liked these photos.. but you left out the one of the girl I liked the best.. LOL Oh well!!! Great blog!

  4. Great start on your blog, these shots are very nice and perfect for starting the season off right.

  5. Very classy. If I had a family I would come to you for the portraits.

  6. thanks you guys! You're the best. Antonio, too bad we weren't closer!

  7. Nice work Jess. I see that you are really coming along in the studio!

  8. Your photos are great! Your blog looks really good too, I need to figure out how to make mine pretty like yours!
