Sunday, November 16, 2008

I think I like this one for the winter now!

Sorry for all of the changes, but when you find a free blog layout site, thanks to good photographer friend Janie (she's in my blog roll), then you have to try some out for size...

I like this one best yet? Do you agree?

I have pics to post from yesterday, but haven't finished them yet, and three shoots today.


  1. Love the new look! It's so pretty!

  2. looks great!
    looks like My Mind's Eye papers. :) (OMG, i sound like such a paper snob!)
    great blog!
    that's a really cute photo. hmmm...wonder what she wants for xmas. :)

  3. wow.. I just noticed we have the same blog paper now.. :)

    did I tell you I love your paper?

    Kelly @ Forever Photography

  4. I love the layout/design!
