Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Keeping fingers crossed!

Many people know that my oldest daughter has suffered with chronic kidney infections for the past 4 1/2 yrs, and she was in and out of the hospital 7 times in about the first three of those. She has continued to suffer from what has appeared to be some sort of auto immune disorder, and finally a couple of weeks ago, during a procedure, they finally came up with something in her labs. Without getting too personal, she is growing yeast, and we need to find out if it is systemic or not.

Tomorrow, we are seeing yet another specialist in Albany, in hopes of finding a diagnosis, and possible treatment/cure. It has been a long road for all of us, but an incapacitating one for her.....

So, hoping we get some good news tomorrow....

You know when you get on the internet, and start doing your own research....well, I found this excellent article about CFIDS...(Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction) on Dr. Cranton's website. It pertains to Yeast Syndrome.

This is the link, if anyone would like to take a look. Dr Cranton's.

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