Sunday, December 14, 2008

I have a confession to make......

I am an addicted scrapbooking paper collector! Not to mention a chocoholic, but that will be another post in the future! How many of you are scrapbookers? Do you do traditional scrapbooking or have you entered the realm of digiscrapping?

I made a post on a forum I frequent tonight, about collecting so much scrapbooking stuff for digital scrapbooking, that I'll never use it all. Sound familiar? Besides that, I have so much real stuff, that it's just sitting in my armoir, not getting used.

So anyway, I thought I would post my favorite stop every evening, before going to bed, and this has turned out to be the cause of so many late nights now, sitting in front of my computer!

Here's the site: Digital Scrapbooking. If you like seeing what is out there for free scrapbooking papers and elements, take a look at all of the freebies, but be forewarned, there is a lot to go through!

Leave me a note, and let me know what type of scrapbooking you do. Now that the Christmas rush is over, I hope to have some time to do some work on catching up the past 3 yrs I'm behind....Thanksgiving of 2005, to be exact!


  1. Digi-Scrapper! and it's very addicting, but easier to keep up with. Not only is there no mess, but you can use pieces over and over again. Good luck with your paper addiction!

  2. Thanks Amanda, now I have to unzip all of those files!

  3. i am a traditional scrapper. i want to venture into digi scrapping, someday. i have a whole room for it. LOTS of paper and stuff.
    don't worry, you aren't the only one addicted!

  4. I have a room full of scrapbooking supplies but I haven't scrapbooked for a few months. I want to learn digi. Thanks for that link.

  5. your welcome! I spent some time last night unzipping the files, but now to organize it all!

    (darn blogger won't even let me sign into my own acct!) Jess

  6. I USED to traditional scrap, now I just have piles & piles of stuff sitting here doing nothing. It was a great creative outlet for me, but now that I'm running my business, I think that takes all my creative energy, lol.
