Monday, December 1, 2008

I just have to share one of my dog!

Patches has been with us for 4 yrs I think, and she was rescued from SSHS in Utica. She is the second dalmation mix we have had, and she is a great pet and family member. Although not very old, (the vet thinks between 6-7) she is getting greyer, and everyone loves her half-black face and black ears. She has had many comments on it since the beginning, but she's losing that since getting greyer.

She's such a poser, and has no qualms about getting in front of the camera. Just wanted to share her cuteness with everyone, since she is always locked up when people come to get their pictures done.....(or she would be in the pictures with the kids or families!)

I promise to get my sessions up here from last weekend too, and our own family picture, that we just got done. See even we wait till the last minute!


  1. So sweet!! He is such a lovely pet.

  2. What a beauty! Great photo!

  3. What an adorable dog. She looks so sweet. Great capture!

  4. She is so cute! Do you walk her in Newport? I will say "Hi" if I see her.
