Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nutrition site to check out....

My hubby and I have made a commitment to lifestyle changes. He jumped on board with me several weeks ago, and we are still enjoying regular weight loss, although with him being on vacation for awhile, he's surpassed me in his pounds lost! Good for him though!

In my continued searches for recipes, information on leading more of a vegetarian lifestyle, I've come across two sites I want to share. The first is a nutrition site which has tons of great info on it if anyone is interested in really solid information. It is maintained by registered dieticians. Here's the site: Nutrition 101 site

the other is a book that I just found about, but it is on the same topic of reducing animal protein consumption, and eating more plant foods. The name of the book is the Flexitarian Diet. Now, many die hard vegetarians may find this appalling, as, you are either one, or you are not. I disagree though. I am not doing this out of animal rights or inhumane treatment of animals, I am doing this to help us live a longer healthier life, by reducing animal foods.

A book that I am currently reading, is a true eye opener though. The book "The China Study", by Dr. Campbell, shows through his great research, that cancers, heart disease, and diabetes are directly related to excessive animal food consumption. The study is the most comprehensive nutritional study ever done. It's amazing what they have found out, in relation to cancer and protein consumption......This book will change the way you look at food, since our typical American Diet is killing us....just look around at society, and see how it's changed in the last 20 yrs!

Let me know if you decide to read it. It's only like $16 at Amazon.


  1. I love the book The Flexitarian Diet! It has helped me to make the change in my diet to mostly plant based. I feel great and just can't get enough of the flexitarian lifestyle. If you like the book you should also check out the author's website . She has a ton of information on her site in articles that she has written for national magazines, great videos and SO MANY recipes!! I have found her book and website to be so helpful!

  2. Thank you very much for your great post! is honored to be recommended :-)

    Gloria Tsang, RD

  3. Great Informative post. I send you good wishes on your new healthy lifestyle!!

  4. I enjoyed this post Jess. I went to the nutrition 101 site and bookmarked it.

  5. I am so proud of you Jess. Your body and your family will thank you for wanting to live a longer, healthier life! Best of luck! I'm here for ya!
