Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dinner Fare......

I have really gotten into cooking again this past 3 weeks, trying out new recipes, and actually realized tonight, that we haven't had a repeated meal yet! Tonight's fare, with items bought at the co-op this am, was spinach fettucini with yellow squash and tomatoes, grilled fresh pinapple, corn frittata, and I made/ate beet greens for the first time ever. I really liked them too!

I have to say, that my dad is enjoying the lighter fare, if he is down for dinner, which is usually once a weekend.

I'm going to challenge myself to try setting up little sets on weekends for food photography. I think this is an area I'd like to experiment with!


  1. looks good, sounds healthy. Food photography has been a little difficult for me. Making something look as good as it taste is a challenge I haven't overcome yet.
    Good luck to you and congrats on the weight loss.

  2. Thank you! I think I want to do some studying online about the food photography
