Sunday, August 2, 2009

A seven month old little girl

Today I had the pleasure of meeting Maddie, daughter of a high school classmate from years ago. There are plenty of pics of her different expressions, but mom asked to keep some for just them. So I took two of the ones that I really liked. Precious, and beautiful are a couple of adjectives used by some who have already seen these on Facebook (look me up, I'm jessica.eissphotographer over there.)

I think I'll be seeing her again at Christmas time, and am looking forward to seeing how much she will have grown.


  1. Hi Jess,
    Maddie is a beautiful little girl and you captured her wonderfully!
    Didn't know you were taking pics. Do you do cats?

  2. Sure I can do cats! I have 5 myself! Let me know if interested.
