Monday, August 31, 2009

Senior- Kelsey

So far this summer, I've hit it pretty lucky doing outdoor shoots with people. Kelsey's indoor shoot went wonderfully smooth, quick and to the point, and then as soon as we got into Utica, the spinkles came, I couldn't get my flash to work properly, and I thought it was going to be a lost cause, where we might have to reschedule. So we did some shots, and her mom was gracious enough to go and get some new batteries for me, which really probably wasn't the problem, but we went to Hotel Utica, to get in out of the drops, and got some beautiful ones in there. The place has great architecture, and ambiance. Then it was back to the streets! Overall, we had a really good time, and better yet, we didn't get soaked!


  1. The burning BBall is awesome! These are all really nice.

  2. Love the basketball shots. Very creative!!!! Great job.

    Iby :)

  3. The burning basketball photo could use either a digital touchup or better staging/framing. It looks like a burning pile of dung has been placed atop the ball. Perhaps lowering the camera's POV or rotating the ball towards the model would conceal the base of the fire?
