Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sometimes things just don't go the way you plan it

Last Sunday, when I did Kelsey's pictures, I mentioned that my flash didn't work, and her mom made a battery run for me....I was very greatful for that, but I had no idea what I would be in for this week. I "thought" I had charged my batteries, and was under the assumption the ones I planned on using for a wedding this week were charged. Out of insecurity, I did buy a back up flash too, because I'm shooting a wedding, and heaven forbid if I didn't have a flash that worked...put the batteries in....popped off three flashes.....flash then died.

I was like, "WHAT??????". Enter panick mode......threw the batteries in the charger light, so assumed they were charged. Went through different case scenarios of what could be wrong. This was a brand new flash, charged batteries, was it me? Was I really crazy? Was the brand new flash bad? Which happened to be the only one the camera store had too, btw. Yesterday, went to Best Buy, as I wanted a new slow trickle charger....they only had a 3 hour charger...left the store, went to Radio Shack....they only had a 2 hour charger ( I wanted one that would take longer, not go faster), left store, went back to Best Buy, bought a new charger, and a new 8 pack of rechargables....

I'll spare you the details, but got all of my batteries charged, found out I had one bad one, which was probably responsible for the others not charging, although I still don't know what was really wrong with my flash, other than a little corrosion.

And, my lesson learned, which everyone would probably benefit from, is: if you use rechargable batteries, use a good charger that has a cord, not the little ones you get in the pack at the stores, with 4 doesn't tell you jack squat about how much your batteries are charged, or whether they are even any good! That, my friends, is my public service announcement for the week.....oh, and it's probably not a good idea to leave your batteries in whatever gizmo is holding them...not good for the contacts.

Stay tuned for a few more seniors and a wedding by Labor Day!


  1. thanks so much, I appreciate your comment, and will visit your site too.

  2. thanks so much, I appreciate your comment, and will visit your site too.
