Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have found the healthiest frozen dessert recipe, and I'm in LOVE!

I think the original picture showed up on one of the food porn sites like Tastespotting or Foodgawker and it said two ingredient "ice cream", and frankly, I was intrigued. I visited the site, but then checked out another one or two sites, and came up with this.....It's basically out there in cyber world, so there really isn't any one person to credit....I actually think even the Vitamix blender company may have the treat in their cookbook.

Anyway, I have never been a person to just store cut up frozen bananas in the freezer.....until now! I know they're great for making smoothies cold, but the frozen chunks of bananas are the basis of this recipe!

the RECIPE is actually very simple......for one serving....cut up a banana in several chunks, place on some wax paper or plastic wrap on a plate for about 45 minutes in the freezer. After they are frozen, in a small glass bowl, place 1 1/2 tsp each of coconut oil, maple syrup or agave, and cocoa powder in it, and microwave for 15 seconds. Remove from the oven, and stir till smooth and creamy. 

Next, add the frozen bananas to a food processor or sturdy blender, and add 1 Tbsp of cocoa. I did this today, and ended up adding 2-3 tsp of maple syrup to add some liquid to it to get the blending started.

Blend till the bananas form a nice smooth and creamy dessert, with no or few lumps.

(this is pure vegan heavenly deliciousness, right here!)
Place in a dessert cup, and drizzle the chocolate sauce over the "ice cream". It will be the consistancy of soft serve ice cream. Add your favorite toppings of coconut flakes, nuts, chocolate chips, or whatever fits your fancy!


Jessica said...

I'm a school teacher & reading a primary school in Florida. Last few minutes reading your blog post and understand that I have to need a blender to save my time to cook and making juice for my kids. So I think I buy a blender for blend fruits juice. I was searching post about best vitamix blender but I didn't find in your blog. My request to you please mention me a post about the best and cheap blender. I hope you will do it for me.
Waiting for your reply.

Dona Rai said...

Can I use this blender to blend papaya? more wisdom for you . Juicer List